News & Articles

Superhero Training Exercises

As well-being superheroes, your mission is to make a difference in the world by focusing on physical, financial, emotional, social, intellectual and planet well-being. To strengthen your superpowers — and earn your “Superhero in Training” badge, complete each of the six missions. Today’s Well-Being Mission Starting September 6: Super Saver Your mission is to boost your financial well-being through healthy money habits. Choose one of these activities to do today: Take the financial well-being quiz. Create a plan to build your savings. Read these tips on building financial security and […]

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Say Hello to our Well-Being Superheroes!

We’ve reached the end of our Super 6 challenge, and we have six new superheroes in our AECOM global well-being community! This challenge has definitely lived up to its name. It’s truly been a super six months filled with inspiration as our colleagues across the globe shared their well-being journeys with us. Here’s an example callout of some text that should be emphasized. We want whoever is reading the article to really notice it, so it looks like this. In case you missed it, here’s a look at our Super

Say Hello to our Well-Being Superheroes! Continue Reading

A Look Ahead: Global Well-Being in 2022

It’s a new year, and we’ve got some exciting things in store for Global Well-Being over the coming months. We don’t want to ruin all the surprises, but here are a few things you can look forward to in ’22. Quarterly well-being spotlight Each quarter will be devoted to a different pillar of well-being. In the first quarter, the spotlight is on Financial Fitness, and each month we’ll focus on a specific aspect of Financial Well-Being with tools and resources you can use to pump up your financial fitness. Connections

A Look Ahead: Global Well-Being in 2022 Continue Reading

Build resilience and boost your mental health with myStrength

Building resilience — the skills needed to manage stress, cope with life’s challenges and improve overall mental health — requires time, strength and dedication. Resilience can significantly improve our physical and emotional well-being. It’s a skill we can build and strengthen over time. And with no clear Covid-19 finish line, it’s especially important right now. Looking for support? Try myStrength, a clinically-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy program that can help build better mental health one step at a time. A fully digital experience, myStrength provides a personalized, safe and secure environment to help

Build resilience and boost your mental health with myStrength Continue Reading

September 10 is World Suicide Prevention Day

Every year, millions of people worldwide commit suicide and millions more attempt it. Each and every suicide is devastating and has a profound impact on those around them. World Suicide Prevention Day is an opportunity to raise awareness of suicide and to promote action to reduce the number of suicides and suicide attempts globally. The following resources — available through our global GuidanceResources Employee Assistance Program (EAP) — can help you understand and become more aware of suicide and the mental health issues surrounding it: Information about warning signs and actions you

September 10 is World Suicide Prevention Day Continue Reading

Protect your Mental Health with myStrength

We have partnered with our GuidanceResources Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provider, ComPsych, to offer an exciting and important emotional well-being resource — myStrength. myStrength is a fully digital experience that uses cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), a proven method of helping people build mental resilience and cope with mental health conditions. Using CBT best practices, myStrength helps you understand your thoughts, feelings and behaviors, and provides practical techniques to help you prevent new mental health conditions and cope with existing conditions or challenges you may be experiencing. You can use myStrength

Protect your Mental Health with myStrength Continue Reading

Give and receive Kudos!

Showing gratitude and feeling appreciated are important to our individual well-being and to promote our Culture of Caring at AECOM. That’s why we are thrilled to introduce Kudos — our new global service award and informal social recognition program. With Kudos, you can celebrate the professional contributions and personal achievements of your colleagues around the world and receive points for awards to commemorate your 5-year service milestones with AECOM.  A new way to show appreciation for your colleaguesWith the Kudos platform, you can send personalized e-cards and badges to recognize colleagues

Give and receive Kudos! Continue Reading

New, Improved and Just for You

Welcome to a new 2.0 Here, you and your family have even more opportunities to make your well-being a priority — every day and in every way. You asked for more practical resources to help you be well and we’re delivering them to you through a more dynamic, digital well-being experience tailored just for you. Here are a few new features for you to explore: Improve your brain health and cultivate your creativity with the new intellectual well-being pillar. Visit the enhanced global Resource Center with new apps, assessments, articles, podcasts

New, Improved and Just for You Continue Reading

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